For more baby related news and information, please review
my other pages and the news feeds to the right (scroll down).
This page features my latest article for new moms. Enjoy!
Moms Rule!
This new window display is in the Paper Source Store on Beacon Street in Brookline. Paper Source loves their Brookline Moms! I appreciate the big cheers! :)
Paper Source store display for Mother's Day 2016, (pic taken 4-2-16). |
For my fellow moms, below are articles that I have collected from different sites and the news:
The Vox.com: April 1, 2016: 'New York just passed the most generous paid family leave law in the country': New York state just passed the nation's most comprehensive paid family leave policy yet, guaranteeing that all New Yorkers — men and women, employees of small and large firms, and full-time or part-time employees — can take three months of partially paid time off to take care of a new child or a sick family member without losing their jobs. http://www.vox.com/2016/4/1/11347192/new-york-paid-family-leave-yuge
AAP News: 'Health Alerts: Toy trucks, children's coats, and more recalled' http://www.aappublications.org/news/2016/03/23/HealthAlerts032316
The CullmanTimes.com: 'Online safety class exposes risks of social media, apps for children, teens'
The Arizona Republic: 'Gov. Doug Ducey signs bill to aid foster-kid health': Foster parents now have a state law that ensures their right to speedy access to behavioral-health services for the kids in their care.
www.blog.Ergobaby.com: 'The Intimacy and Closeness of Babywearing': There is only a very small window of time in human life when we are small enough to be carried by someone else. The intimacy and closeness of being snuggled up against a tiny body is incredibly precious and rare, and something that happens less and less in today’s stroller-happy world.
www.kivitv.com: '3 Retro Summer Toys Making a Comeback': Back in the day, warmer weather meant it was time to put away the trains, dolls, and video games and dust off the outdoor toys.... The good news is they've all been redesigned to be safer.
www.Eurekalert.org: 'The Importance of Children at Play': In the early stages of life, peer play is an important factor in the developmental growth of a child. It is during play and children's interactions with peers when many essential and vital skills are learned, from social connections to emotional, language, and cognitive abilities.
www.dailymail.co.uk: 'Good news for podgy parents: Babies prefer fathers with cuddly and chubby bodies than muscular ones': Research shows that six-month-old babies are able to distinguish different body types. Babies as young as nine months are drawn to men with soft male bodies rather than toned ones.http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2395996/Good-news-podgy-parents-Babies-prefer-fathers-cuddly-chubby-bodies-muscular-ones.html#ixzz45NPorv1W
Enjoy the articles and I'll be back next month with more useful information for my fellow moms. A note to our fans, NetworkforMoms.org will turn 4 years old on April 11, 2016 - Happy Birthday and we thank our fellow moms and our dedicated, adoring NetworkforMoms.org buddies for all of your support over the years!
Moms Rule!
- Joy E.
Posted April 9, 2016
*NetworkforMoms.org is not paid by any of the companies mentioned above.
**Please do not use my articles, photos or videos without permission from me.
Recent Fun Times at Museum of Science and My Gym
At MOS playing in the Discovery Center, 4-27-16 |
At MOS in the Discovery center, 4-27-16. |
In the nest with caterpillar puppet, 5-3-16. |
In Discovery Center, playing with beaver suit and dam. 5-3-16 |
Playing in Nano area, 5-3-16. |
Playing with air blower, 5-3-16. |
Controlling stage lighting exhibit, 5-3-16. |
Making chain art, 5-3-16. |
Activating train exhibit, 5-3-16. |
Museum of Science Blue Wing wall exhibit, 5-3-16. |
'Engineering a garden' and waterfall exhibit, 5-3-16. |
At My Gym class with exercise ring, 5-4-16. |
At My Gym on the high bar, 5-4-16. |