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This page features my latest article for new moms. Enjoy!
**************************************************************Favorites for Fall:
Vlogs, Blogs and Pinterest sites for Moms & Dads!
I wanted to make my buddies aware of other fellow 'Mompreneurs' who have worked very hard on their social media websites, like me. These mothers are now well respected in the Vlogging and Pinterest community! In addition, I have added a few websites created by concerned 'Dadpreneurs' who want to enhance and enrich the lives of their children. I am also including a few parent support organizations and two young vloggers that mothers may find interesting! My buddies may want to mark these as favorite websites to share with friends.
Have fun viewing the vlogs, reading the dad blogs and enjoying the Pinterest sites. See what they are saying about motherhood, fatherhood, parenting and products for children.
Joy Jester has scoured the internet to find the best lists of children's books. Joy's Pinterest page features children's book lists that are organized by category including Christmas, animals, gender, seasons and Black History Month! One of her boards includes a blog with the Top 100 children's books at
The Pickledish Patch - - Vicki Tucek a wife, mother of 2 sons, 1 daughter, a grandmother to 2 boys and former hairdresser loves hand appliqué and hand quilting as well as all things that are vintage or antique! Visit her on Pinterest to view her quilting, enjoy her recipes and gift ideas for Easter and Christmas!
Jennifer Reynolds - -
Stitchery designer, lover of all things shabby and beautiful, wife to the ‘sweetest guy in the world’, mother to her ‘amazingly talented’ children who are ‘also some of my best friends!’.
Dad BLOGS and Dad/Parent support organizations: - The National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse is an Office of Family Assistance (OFA) funded national resource for fathers, practitioners, programs/Federal grantees, states and the public at-large who are serving or interested in supporting strong fathers and families. Sign the Fatherhood Pledge:

The White House has partnered with a number of other Federal Departments to promote programs, resources and activities that support fathers in local communities. is a site for: - The National Responsible Fatherhood Clearinghouse is an Office of Family Assistance (OFA) funded national resource for fathers, practitioners, programs/Federal grantees, states and the public at-large who are serving or interested in supporting strong fathers and families. Sign the Fatherhood Pledge:

The White House has partnered with a number of other Federal Departments to promote programs, resources and activities that support fathers in local communities. is a site for:
- Dads looking for tips, hints and deals for dads and children – find them on the For Dads tab.
- Fatherhood programs looking to get started or expand – check out the For Programs tab.
- Researchers and policy makers looking for the latest on responsible fatherhood – check out our Library tab.
- Also, their DadTalk tab includes their blog with helpful articles and tidbits, (Dads should mark this as a favorite!):
DadLabs, - Founded in 2004 by Troy Lanier, Clay Nichols and Brad Powell, DadLabs aims to be the voice of the new fatherhood. They founded on the core value that parents must be the primary movers in the lives of their children and fathers must play a leading role in this journey. DadLabs is committed to assisting the busy father by providing him with accessible, digestible information and parenting ideas. Dads can post questions or concerns on the Forum's 'Lounge' and 'Dad Groups' with other fathers who have children in the same age group (similar to groups on Here is the Forum link:
The Dad 2.0 Summit - - John French and Doug Pacini. The Dad 2.0 Summit is an open conversation about the commercial power of dads online, as well as an opportunity to learn the tools and tactics used by influential bloggers to create high-quality content, build personal brands and develop business ideas. The 2013 Dad 2.0 Summit will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana from January 30, 2014 - February 1, 2014. Here is the location:
JW Marriott New Orleans
Phone: 1-888-364-1200 (ask for the Dad 2.0 Summit group rate)614 Canal Street
New Orleans, Louisiana, 70130 USA
According to a brand new PEW Research study that was just released today (9/17/13), more fathers than ever before - roughly 550,000 in the past decade and counting - are staying home full time with their children. Read more about the study and their research results here:
National At-Home Dad Network,
The National At-Home Dad Network is dedicated to providing support, education and advocacy to fathers who are the primary caregivers of their children. The organization has chapters in over 50 cities throughout the U.S. and Canada and hosts one of the longest-running fatherhood events in the world.
The National At-Home Dad Network is dedicated to providing support, education and advocacy to fathers who are the primary caregivers of their children. The organization has chapters in over 50 cities throughout the U.S. and Canada and hosts one of the longest-running fatherhood events in the world.
Find an At-Home Dads group in your area here:

in Denver, CO at the Tivoli Building, Auraria Campus, 900 Auraria Pkwy, Denver, CO.
Mr. Martin, a Grammy winner and long time children's advocate, is committed to the well-being of children around the world through the Ricky Martin Foundation ( that serves as an advocate for children in the areas of education, health and social justice. A devoted father, longtime children's advocate, and chart-topping GRAMMY winner,
Gabe & Babe TV: Family VLOGGING - - Gabe and her loving husband, Babe, had their first child in January, 2013 and started this VLO G to chronicle their growing family with their new son.
A Goddess in Training - - This second time mother created her VLOG to share all of her baby related experiences. She vlogs about her baby products, her pregnancy and life with her new daughter, Payton, nicknamed 'jelly-bean'.
Dear Naptural85 - - Whitney is a mother, graphic designer, vlogger, blogger and natural hair enthusiast! Her and her husband, Filipe, are proud parents to their daughter, Olivia and their two kittens: Chubs and Bella! Whitney created her VLOG to discuss her family's daily life with their newborn daughter.
It's Judy Life - - Judy and her husband created this VLOG to discuss their family experience with their baby daughter, Julianna. Judy also vlogs about her hobby of cooking. She joins her mother in a series of cooking videos featuring different asian, hispanic and italian influenced meals.
VLOGS that Mothers may Find Interesting:
Strawberry Ripples - - Scola Dondo created her VLOG to discuss her interest in nutrition, healthy eating, her workouts and how to have the best body that you can! Her Instagram is scoladondo.
Morgan Taylor - - Morgan created her VLOG to provide new designer clothing reviews as well as product reviews. Her Instagram is BeautifulMorgan.
Support from Mothers, for NEW Mothers:
Strawberry Ripples - - Scola Dondo created her VLOG to discuss her interest in nutrition, healthy eating, her workouts and how to have the best body that you can! Her Instagram is scoladondo.
Morgan Taylor - - Morgan created her VLOG to provide new designer clothing reviews as well as product reviews. Her Instagram is BeautifulMorgan.
Support from Mothers, for NEW Mothers:

Visiting Moms provides support through home visits to high-risk immigrant and refugee new mothers who receive care at MGH Chelsea. The Visiting Moms program strives to help families achieve stability in order to enable healthy long-term outcomes for their child, the mother and the family, and to prevent child abuse and neglect.

The Visiting Moms represent many cultures and speak many languages such as Spanish, Portuguese, Somali and Swahili. For more information, contact: Luz Betancourt, 617-887-3789. Below is the website link:
Happy reading and viewing everyone!
- Joy E.
**Last updated: May 27, 2014
*Please do not use my articles and photos without permission from me.
A Treat for Dads.....
Here is an original song by Stay-at-home-Dad, Mike Raye. Mike posted a link to this song on in 2012. He wrote this song for his three children. Mike is an army veteran and, two years ago, Mike and his wife decided that he would stay home and raise their children. Mike wrote this song about his children and 'how they are growing up too fast'. Watch and enjoy!
Original Song by Mike Raye

** is not paid by any of the companies mentioned above.
***Please do not use my articles, photos or videos without permission from me.
Our outing to the Museum of Science in Boston, MA.
In the Discovery Center in beaver suit! |
With Dad building block tower. |
With Mom building block tower. |
Playing with big magnets. |
At the Spinning Wheel! |
Playing with colored pegs and light-up board! |
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