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The Search for Good Books...
Searching for good books for your baby or small child can sometimes be a challenging experience.
Once I examined some of the children's books more closely that I had purchased, I realized that I would have to return a few of them because they contained confusing or unsettling imagery.
For example, one story was about a group of farm animals that are involved in a car accident. The fact that there is an accident in the story is the reason why I decided not to introduce this book to my child for now; I do not want her going to bed thinking about car accidents at any age!
Since my baby will learn about animals, people, cars, etc. from me and her books, I want to select books that portray these subjects in a playful but pleasant manner, for now. Once she is much older, I will introduce her to books that involve different types of subject matter.
My daughter and I wanted to share with my fellow moms the books that I have collected for her. I bought a few books for older children in case she gets bored with her baby books and requires a more interesting read. The more of a selection of books that I have for her, the more enthusiastic I will sound when reading these books (as opposed to reading the same books over and over and sounding bored). Hopefully, my daughter will interpret this enthusiasm as a positive message about books and that books can be just as interesting as her toys!
Below is a list of the children's books that I currently have on my baby's bookshelf. I have indicated the books that I read in childhood and loved:
0+ months old
Ten Little Fingers and Ten Little Toes by Mem Fox
Moo, Baa, La La La by Sandra Boynton
The Going to Bed Book by Sandra Boynton
6 months old +
Goodnight Moon by Margaret Wise Brown
http://www.walmart.com/ip/365388wmlspartner=wlpa&adid=22222222227000000000&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=&wl3=21486607510&wl4=&wl5=pla&veh=sem6 months old +
The Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle
One Fish, Two Fish by Dr. Seuss (from my childhood)
Pat the Bunny by Dorothy Kunhardt (from my childhood)
1 year old +

This iBaby board book can be purchased for @ $9.00.
As you can see from this picture to the right, this book has baby animal characters attached with different colored ribbon and fit into little sleeves on each page.
This is how I used this book:
I placed each baby animal into the proper sleeve with the Mama animal character and when I read each page, I pulled out each baby animal and said the name of that animal. Since it is all about hugs between mothers and babies, it is a very pleasant and loving story. I love it! ;) This book can be purchased at any Walmart: http://www.walmart.com/ip/Ibaby-Hugs-Tuck-Each-Baby-Into-a-Loving-Hug/13255645
If for some reason this book is sold out at Walmart.com, here it is with FREE SHIPPING!:
If for some reason this book is sold out at Walmart.com, here it is with FREE SHIPPING!:
Colors by bright baby
For @ $5.00 you can enjoy this picture book. Colors has accurate terms that define each picture. My daughter has had fun enjoying all of the bright colors! It is so beautiful and she loves this book! This book can be purchased at any Walmart: http://www.walmart.com/ip/2673943
If for some reason this book is sold out at Walmart.com, here it is for @$5.00 with FREE SHIPPING!: http://www.bookdepository.com/Colors-Priddy-Books/9780312492472
The Snowy Day by Ezra Jack Keats (from my childhood)
There is a Keats website at http://www.ezra-jack-keats.org/
ABC by Dr. Seuss (from my childhood)
For more fun Dr. Seuss gifts, products and supplies, go to
For more fun Dr. Seuss gifts, products and supplies, go to
The Tale of Peter Rabbit by Beatrix Potter (from my childhood)
2 years old +
Where's Spot by Eric Hill
The Little Engine that Could by Watty Piper (from my childhood)
http://www.target.com/p/the-little-engine-that-could-an-abridged-edition-board-book/-/A-14523490#prodSlot=medium_1_8&term=the+little+engine+that+couldThe Cat in the Hat by Dr. Seuss (from my childhood)
For more fun Dr. Seuss gifts, products and supplies, go to
Green Eggs and Ham by Dr. Seuss (from my childhood)
My parents didn't care for 'repetitive' books. However, 'repetitive' books can help children form sentences and, therefore, the repetition is good for them.
http://www.amazon.com/Green-Eggs-Ham-Dr-Seuss/dp/0394800168For more fun Dr. Seuss gifts, products and supplies, go to
3 years old and 4 years old +
John Henry by Ezra Jack Keats (from my childhood)
Fletcher and Zenobia by Edward Gorey and Victoria Chess (from my childhood) Fletcher, a cat, is stuck in a tree and meets a doll, Zenobia. They become friends and throw a party. I loved this story!
Use the code THRONES to save $1 off every order until 5/31/14.
For additional coupons, here is the link: http://www.alibris.com/
Make way for Ducklings by Robert McCloskey (from my childhood)
5 years old +
5 years old +
Whistle for Willie by Ezra Jack Keats (from my childhood)
Buttons by Tom Robinson (from my childhood)
Buttons is a cat that grows up in an alley and has to survive on very little. He eventually meets a caring little girl. Her father allows her to adopt Buttons and bring him home. Buttons eventually grows up to be a great companion for the little girl. I loved this book because it is about having friendships that are positive. Here is the link: http://www.alibris.com/booksearch?qwork=869119
Use the code THRONES to save $1 off every order until 5/31/14.
For additional coupons, here is the link: http://www.alibris.com/
In a Garden by Ann Kirn (from my childhood)
The tiny creatures of the garden were planning a circus and practicing for the show. All except tiny Lady Bug, who could not think of a single trick to perform. She became the heroine of the circus by providing what no one else had thought to bring. You can purchase the book at alibris.com: http://www.alibris.com/booksearch?qwork=3160641&matches=11&cm_sp=works*listing*title
Use the code THRONES to save $1 off every order until 5/31/14.
Also, if you are interested in receiving the latest Alibris.com bookmark, e-mail your name/address to Alibris at bookmarks@alibris.com with your request. For additional coupons, here is the link: http://www.alibris.com/
I hope my fellow moms found this list useful. I know my parents had examined most of these books carefully years ago and made sure that I read them at appropriate ages. I remember enjoying these books and am confident that my daughter will enjoy them too and have similar pleasant memories of these stories.
Happy book searching everyone!
Joy E.
Posted July 2, 2012
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