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This page features my latest article for new moms. Enjoy!
************************************************************** presents: Our 2014 Choice Awards!
Its the list everyone's been waiting for here at - the 2014 Choice Awards for the best mommy blogs and parenting sites. It took me over 2 years to gather this list together and share it with everyone. These folks deserve our recognition and appreciation for their hard work in sharing their life and providing useful information on their sites about family and child related issues. We know that parents will benefit from their knowledge and experience. Here are the winners, make sure to mark these!'s 2014 Choice Award: Winners
Best Mommy Blogs - - Joy E.: Joy, a Boston native, created her blog as a resource for new moms. She shares helpful tidbits,
recommends useful baby products and provides current news (via news feeds) and
information in regard to baby care, baby safety and baby related products. In
addition, each month she posts an article about issues related to being a mom
and ideas that she finds interesting or helpful. You can check out her children's book list for ages 0 - 5 here: 'The Search for Good Books'
In 2013 and 2014, was a Top 5 Boston A-List Award Winner:
Best Local Blog Finalist:
Best Local Blog Finalist:
Red Dye Free! - - Cayla Maraist.:
Cayla's blog is to advocate for children who have behavior problems, but are
really reacting to the artificial dyes found in foods and medicines (in
particular Red Dye 40). This blog was created to help other mothers find the
information that they need to avoid Red Dye 40, a chemical in artificial colors
that affects both children and adults. She educates her audience about artificial
colors and how they cause hyperactivity in some children, behavioral problems,
depression, migraines, stomach aches, an increase in Tics (Tourette's Syndrome)
and even cancer.
Dear Naptural85 - - Whitney is a 'mother, graphic
designer, vlogger, blogger and natural hair enthusiast'! She is married to her
loving husband, Filipe, and a proud mother to her daughter, Olivia, and two
kittens: Chubs and Bella. She created this blog to discuss her natural hair
care advice and her family's daily life.
My 3 Grits - - Jen is a mother of 3 children and
created this blog to discuss her hobby of crocheting baby blankets, her family life and what
it is like raising her girls in the south.
Playing by the Book - - Zoe is the 'mum of two girls, M (8 years old) and J (5 years old) and says she 'always has plenty of books around the house, boxes of 'crafty stuff' and a desire to have fun'. Zoe created this blog 'to celebrate and remind me of many of the things we get up to do as a family, of the books we've read and loved and that you might just fall in love with too.' Zoe is always happy to hear from her readers and welcomes book suggestions, you can e-mail her here: Also, if she reviews a book, and it is listed on Amazon, she has the link listed on her aStore: (
Delightful Children's Books - - Amy Broadmoore is a 'mother, library science graduate student, aspiring children's librarian, former attorney and Cybils judge and founder of International Book Giving Day' and 'has three children ages 8, 6 and 3.' She spends her time 'studying, hangin' with kids, running and searching for great picture books.''s 2014 Choice Award: Winners
Helpful Websites for Parents
Piccolo Universe - - by Ricky Martin. Mr. Martin is the father of 5 year old twin boys and created this parenting website for members to share information, experiences and tips in a welcoming environment. Parents can post questions on the forum to seek advice from other members. Comments can also be added to any article. In addition, Mr. Martin joins the diverse group of contributors on Piccolo Universe with his own parenting experiences.
KellyMom - - Kellymom hails from St. Petersburg, Florida and her goal for this site is to provide support and evidence-based information on breastfeeding, sleep and parenting. She is the mother of three children and an International Board Certified Lactation Consultant.
Latinas 4 Latino - - Viviana Hurtado, Ph.D. and Monica Olivera co-founded this organization to improve the literacy rates for Hispanic youth. The organization was recognized by for their 2013 list of Latino children’s literature.
Joy Jester - - Joy hails from Minneapolis, Minnesota and has scoured the internet to find the best lists of children's books. Joy's Pinterest site features one Pinterest board created for children's book lists that are organized by category including Christmas, animals, gender, seasons and Black History Month!'s 2014 Choice Award:
Honorable Mention
Perfectly Imperfect Mom - – Bren is a stay-at-home mom who is a ‘wife, mother, blogger, boutique owner, Florida girl, wanna-be crafter and chef.’ This year, Bren and her husband will be parents for the third time with her new daughter.
Books I Like - - Kate Viggers 'dedicates this site to showcasing the most beautiful, quirky children's picture books the world has to offer. Some are old, some are new but they are all blooming gorgeous!'
Congratulations to all of the 2014 Choice Award winners and I hope my buddies enjoy this list. Feel free to e-mail this list to friends and don't forget to bookmark these as well.
Happy sharing lists everyone!
Joy E.
Posted February 23, 2014 is plugged at! is plugged at!

Our recent family outings and fun:
Mama & Me's Paint Playground and lunch at Bertucci's:
With Mommy at Paint Playground, 1-26-14. |
With Daddy at the water tables, 1-26-14. |
At Bertuccis with Mom and Dad, 1-26-14. |
Dancing to Comcast Music Choice, Pop Latino Channel:
MFA Play Dates:
With Mommy at MFA play dates, 2-3-14. |
Making my new drum at MFA playdates. |
Fun at My Gym:
Playing at My Gym, 2-3-14. |
Playing at My Gym, 2-6-14. |
Playing during parent separation time. |
On the horizontal bar at My Gym, 2-12-14. |
Playing with My Gym friends on the low bar, 2-20-14. |
Playing in the sensory ball pit, 2-10-14. |
Having fun in my My Gym class, 2-12-14. |
Playing at My Gym, 2-12-14. |
Playing on the slide at My Gym, 2-20-14. |
Running up the slide at My Gym, 2-17-14. |
Leaving My Gym with Mommy, 2-3-14. |
Going home after the My Gym class. |
Mike's Gym Children's Daycare Center
(284 Amory Street, Jamaica Plain, MA)
With Daddy at Mike's Gym Children's Daycare Center, 2-8-14. |
With Daddy and Uncle Anthony at Mike's Gym. |
Mama & Me Paint Playground:
Painting with Mommy at Paint Playground, 2-9-14. |
Valentine's Day Dinner and mall walk:
With Daddy at our Valentine's Day dinner, 2-14-14. |
With Mommy on Valentine's Day. |
In the mall with Mommy, 2-14-14. |
With Daddy playing in the mall, 2-14-14. |
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