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**************************************************************Catch the Crabapple Fever in 2013!
My Cookbook: Cooking with Crabapples: Tasty Recipes.
Get the Original Recipe here at!
Above: My crabapple tarts prior to baking |
These recipes allow everyone to enjoy crabapples in a delicious way. The cookbook includes several delicious tart recipes, a meal and a baked item. It also makes a great gift for Christmas!
Catch the crabapple fever! Get out your cooler filled with ice to freeze those crabapples this season and enjoy these recipes again. You can find crabapples at local farms in your area, or if you have a crabapple tree in your yard, that's great! Again, remember that crabapples need to be put in your freezer or in ice immediately. Crabapples will begin to break down, change color and lose their health properties if you do not freeze them immediately!
For the more industrious chefs: if you freeze a large amount of crabapples, you can make my crabapple recipes in the off-season as well!
Once all of you savvy cooks bake these crabapple recipes, I am sure that our cookbook will become a fixture in your kitchen. The cookbook is on sale now for just $22.50 (shipping incl. U.S. only) and makes a great gift for anyone who loves to cook!
**SOLD OUT, please check back!***
For those cooks who are into baking crabapples, according to, crabapples are 'a good source of fibre, Vitamin C and minerals (especially potassium).' In addition, according to, crabapples' other health benefits are: 'the soluble fibre may lower blood cholesterol and may help to protect against heart and circulatory disease' (You can read's 2010 article 'Crabapples May Protect Heart Health' at this link:

One of the ingredients that I use for the tarts is a maple syrup granola made by Cook's Farm Orchard in Brimfield, Massachusetts. Every year they host their annual Apple Fest.
This year, the festival is September 21-22.
Here is the link:
The festival is a fun day for families and includes the following activities:
- Face painting
- Hay Maze
- Pony and wagon rides
- Apple picking
- Live Music: Saturday and Sunday afternoon (Sat.: Dick Chase & Livestock, Sun.: Radio Ranch)
- The bake shop is open all day featuring hot apple dumplings, homemade apple pies and ice cream.
(l-r) Gayle Aikey & Marge Cook of Cook's Farm, at the Prudential Mall, 2012 |
Joy E.
Posted August 16, 2013
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